Better be fast than sorry

Fastos.. what?

Who the fuck are fastos glassos?

in the middle of the winter and at the height of Covid-19 we, a handful of friends, decided we needed to escape this dreary misery in Germany and take a trip to somewhere magical, anywhere but where we were right now 

the time away gave us the opportunity to look at the world through a different lens 

we immediately decided that we wanted to preserve the lightness from this newfound energy and share it with all of you who want to see the same as we do 

festivals are a fixed part for music lovers 

the beauty of festivals is that it is not only the music which creates the "feeling". It is a wild, beautiful mixture of many things 

we are talking about memories, inspirations, spiritual trips, feeling of unity, new encounters, new personalities, new artists, different countries and cultures, getting closer to yourself and to nature, bonding with your friends and strangers, hedonism and pura alegría de vivir…If you know, you know !

it all started in Mexico and if you don't speak Spanish you have to improvise. improvisation is built on creativity, and sometimes creativity turns to gold 

inspiration is the new currency

you have to imagine a beautiful, sunny, warm, picturesque setting, a small pinch of “psychedelicism”, and „fast glasses“ - „fastos glassos“ 

a brand name which embodies the feeling described above. 

created around the mysterious cenotes of Cancun

when days turn into nights 

past becomes present which alters your future 

it has begun

fastos glassos


everything starts with an idea

„reality" is a construct of your brain 

others see “what is” and ask “why”? 

we see “what could be” and ask “why not”! 

we created this brand to help you see the world differently, too 

this collection of sunglasses will be the beginning of a new chapter in your journey 

“Fastos Glassos” is not something you own

“Fastos Glassos” is something you aspire to be, to have, to feel

a brand created to be admired


who we are

the founders of the company are a team of two with a juvenile, nonconformist spirit. 

the founders of the unique spirit of “Fastos Glassos” is a collective of friends who continue to see the world differently 

we are chefs, photographers, designers, entrepreneurs, artists, DJ´s, etc… 

we all have different roots, but one thing unites us all. The feeling that won't let go of us

we are speed dealers. we provide you with the fastest glasses imaginable

according to señor Einstein, time passes slower the closer the speed gets to the speed of light. But this means, the faster we move, the slower time passes

v = a*t


what we want

our goal is for everyone to be able to develop their full potential in many ways 

we believe that sunglasses are not gendered

we believe in the diversity that each individual brings 

every individual makes every single one of our products unique 

we believe that “fastos” are an important part of our personality

a basic accessory that helps shape our identity 

our products are equally suitable for everyone

we don't care

be whatever you want to be and wear whatever you want 

but be fast